Because we live in a time of intense communication the project of the Fuso Santek became an event shared by many people.
This is actually one of the great aspects of the Fuso Santek project.
This sharing becomes really important when situations arise which can be called challenges or complications.
The experience is shared and this makes it more attractive, richer and better.
It is also the way to overcome disappointments quickly.
And to obtain expert advise.
After the latest problem with the Fuso Santek was published, numerous people got involved.
Many comments were published and e-mail messages received.
All these people made themselves in solidarity and support with the unfortunate situation.
That is beautiful.
And something to be thankful for.
Last night was the graduation party of long time friend Iwan.
A friend of his mother Alma had promised three years ago to make a big pot of soup if he would successfully finish his college studies.
Iwan is a serious young man who understands that to study is an important thing.
Although he sees himself not making a career.
In the near future he prefers to have a wife and children and live quietly.
There were about 20 people to celebrate Iwan’s success.
All eating this soup.
Very relaxed.
Very peaceful.
There was also Iwan’s niece Juryen.
A beautiful four-year-old girl.
Very intelligent and reasonable.
This is because Juryen grows up among many adults who all have time and educational attention for her.
A child who likes to learn and who is happy is the most precious gift to the world.
Much time was spent with Juryen.
Having interesting experiences together.
Like travelling yesterday in a taxi.
Although four years old, during the ride she was given the money to pay the driver later.
Tightly she held the 40 Pesos preparing herself for the big moment.
She was aware she was having a responsibility and loved that.
Graciously she paid the driver and felt oh so proud.
And so did we.
Later an abandoned puppy was found opposite the house.
In the supermarket she was involved buying puppy dog food.
At home she was asked to look for two bowls and crossing the street, first looking right, secondly looking left assuring no cars were coming, she presented the scared and vulnerable puppy dog with some nice food and fresh water.
Proudly she told her beautiful mother Tonatzin later what she had done.
Seriously planning to offer more food to the doggy the next morning.
In the afternoon four year old Juryen did a surprising thing.
Suddenly she put herself in front with this sign:

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