There are people, maybe even not realizing it themselves, who are paternalistic and they are a pain.
However, in a relationship one must be able to say things concerning the other without being maternalistic or paternalistic.
In the conversation with Claudia Spinhoff it was decided that she sometimes would be like an older brother for this blogwriter and the same blogwriter would be for her like an older sister.
This is a rather strange arrangement.
Claudia Spinhoff, very much a woman, is supposed to be an older brother.
While the blogwriter, very much a man, is supposed to be an older sister.
It must have been this confusion still raging this morning when returning to Kearny Mesa Truck Centre in San Diego where the Fuso Santek’s wheels were going to be aligned and its steering wheel put in the proper position.
This job was done by a third party arranged by Kearny Mesa Truck Centre in San Diego.
This third party consisted of two young men with a pick up truck and a trailer in which all equipment imaginable.
It was the two young men that immediately attracted the attention.
Maybe because of the conversation with Claudia Spinhoff the night before, but the two young men impressed as being rather beautiful.
Not only beautiful but handsome as well.
Not only handsome but attractive too.
Not only attractive but sexy and erotic also.

The more innocent one of the two did the alignment on the Fuso Santek.
A pretty face with clear blue eyes.
With sagging pants and a t-shirt too short often revealing his naked belly or his slender back.
While waiting and seeing this Adonis work a fantasy presented itself how he and his colleague would stop working and go in the trailer to take off their clothes to get involved in sexual escapades of tremendous beauty and sky high excitement.
Of course they knew they were being watched by the blogwriter and the clear blue eyes would sometimes detach from the partner and look at the onlooker with tears and regret and desire.

The job to align the wheels of the Fuso Santek took at least an hour which was enough time to have the fantasies go in all directions.

But it was realised that if the attractive young man would propose to disappear together behind a big truck for some erotic exercises, a loud scream of embarrassment would have been heard in San Diego.
Fantasies can go any direction but the reality is very heterosexual.

Shortly after this amazing experience, money had to be paid to a woman working in the office of Kearny Mesa Truck Centre.
She told she frequents a nudist camp and is climbing rocks there naked with friends who later appreciate her artfully painted nails.
It was mentioned to her that she probably would not just tell anybody she was a nudist going to Eden Paradise Resort Camp.
“No”, she said, “but I saw you are cool”.
It was not so cool later this day in Joshua Tree National Park.
Around 35 degrees Centigrade. (95 F)
The sun went down in Joshua Tree National Park as beautiful as the many experiences of today.

I see that you got the outside of the living compartment of the Fuso Santek painted white. Or at least the corner strips that where a bit rusty before you left to Europe.
La, Michel
(cher Monsieur Grande Soeur),
tu exageres !!!
Le "pendant"-"commentaire"
a ton PROPOS
("reverie-message-reaction-reflexion", d'ordre "existentiel et universel" - ce qui, la, est au demeurant tres OK, rien a redire...),
me semble un peu trouble et "pousse", et, par trop insistant !
(juste une maladresse ? ou blog a la va vite, manque de temps, ou bien ?... mais alors... cher ami... soyons plus vigilents et consequents !).
Cela (me) deconcerte et decoit un peu ! Ce serait peut-etre pareil aussi pour d'autres ?
Quant aux messages du 13(?)juin, je rejoins ces 2(gentils jeunes romantiques ?)qui parlent du divorce(donc, de l'amour aussi ? - ha-ha !).
Ayant moi-meme vecu un divorce "heureux" (?...)"des le depart", je ne peux que te souhaiter bonne chance dans ta relation et contact renoues au bout de 6 ans !
No comment. Bonne chance, tout simplement, vous etes sur la bonne voie.
Bonne chance aussi pour tout le reste.
Continue a "blogguer", on te suit et on te tient compagnie.
Question naive de bloggeur debutant: toi, tu ne reponds jamais aux reactions et commentaires ?
The image Joshua+1 is spectacular: the gradations of light in the background filtered by the twisting vegetation in the foreground is the sort of thing that helps us all to see the world better. --thanks very much for sharing here full-sized images!
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