Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Group sex

By now it is more and more known that status has changed to single after a glorious but dramatic time with the Queen of Drscreams.
And this sometimes results in surprising experiences.
Like last night when invited for a dinner of shrimps fried in a generous volume of butter and plenty of garlic with a 2009 Medoc from Argentina to drink.

After the dinner, sitting outside in the cold because many of the party were smoking, but seeing the full moon climb to its zenith, the wine and wodka were making the friends happy and frolic.
And it was told by the gorgeous hostess that she and her husband were polygamous.
That they were married but nevertheless allowing each other total freedom.
When he is with other girls, I just look the other way, she said.

Her husband having overheard the conversation and high on vodka said with a voice so loud that the whole party fell silent:
“Michel, listen to me. We love group sex”.

Cousin Jerzek, also there and not very much into these kinds of things, used his great sense of humor by responding immediately with his sonorant voice:
“Group sex yes: you and your beautiful wife and Susha, your dog and the two cats”.
Having talked himself and his stunning wife smartly out of a possible orgy.

But the frivolity persisted and an invitation was presented by the married but free friend to go inside and dance to the sensual music of a black R&B singer.

That was OK.
Nobody had any problem with it: not even her husband who was even happy for her to have chanced on this promising opportunity.

What is a single guy to do in such a situation?
Grab the sweet and swallow lustfully?
Join the libertines and go all the way in the cave?

Cliffhanger: tomorrow part two.



Fred Wishnie said...

Don't forget you are a photographer - we want pictures. :-)

Anonymous said...

go for it mate... and yes dont forget the pics!!! maybe a new book!!!!

Dawn Pier said...

I cannot believe there is only one comment to this post so far!!

First off the Queen of Drscreams? That is hilarious!

Then this whole two-some, three-, maybe four-some situation...well, you certainly do attend the most exciting parties, don't you?

Like Luvglass says - we expect graphic representations in the next blog. ;-)

Jeff said...

What Fred said! A few video clips wouldn't hurt...