This is because it is such a joy to see again the sequences that were made in the 80’s.
And often discoveries are made of interesting sequences that were never selected or printed.
Obviously, the subject for another book: “Unknown sequences”.
One little banana peel dangerously on the pavement is the fact that the software that Epson sells with their scanners tends to crash once in a while.
It is nice software: easy to use and effective.
But sometimes in the middle of scanning a group of pictures, it stops completely and the whole procedure has to be repeated of selecting those images, resizing, etc.
Of course the Epson software has been updated by downloading the latest version, but it still has the bug.
One of the discovered sequences will be presented on this blog.
It might become the cover of the new book.
It is strong, simple, ingenious and funny.

Besides the sequences that are found in the archive, on those films also self portraits are discovered.
At the time the pictures were made on film containing 36 images.
When only a few images were left on the film, those were not available to make sequences.
There would be not enough.
Hence, the last frames were shot of no matter what so that a new film could be loaded and the discoveries of new sequences could continue.
Sometimes those pictures were self portraits or images of the camper.
Like these ones:

All pictures on this page protected by international copyright.
© Michel Szulc Krzyzanowski.
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