It is a windless morning but there is excitement in the air.
This is because after staying 3 weeks at Punta Boca del Salado, there will be the departure from this beloved location tomorrow.
Although travelling for over 35 years, each and every time to leave and move to a new destination comes with excitement.
A positive feeling.
The adrenaline tickling in the veins.
A curiosity rising what will happen in the near future.
Now, preparations must be made.
The equipment for fishing must be cleaned and stored.
The cool box washed and put in a storage compartment.
A whole list of things to be performed with serious and concentrated attention.
Part of the travelling process.
There will be a goodbye to the Gonzales family.
With who every day dinner and life was shared.
The Gonzales are used to this coming and going.
But nevertheless, when leaving, each time Ketcha cries.
And she puts quickly some homemade cheeses into the camper for on the road.
And Gumaro talks maybe again about the disillusion he is trying to accept.
That of his three sons, none wants to continue the cattle ranch he has built up all his life.
He says he realizes that when he dies his ranch will end to exist and this is for him a hard thing to deal with.
But his oldest son Juan Manuel is a happy man and sees the future as something bright and promising.
Juan Manuel has this trucking business that is growing and expanding guaranteeing a secure future for him and his wife and four kids.
Angelito, the second son of Gumaro has died due to kidney failure but Ismael, the third son, also makes clear that cattle ranching is not something for him.
Ismael drives the water truck and has no other ambitions.
He keeps his life simple and manages to be happy in his way.
And there will be goodbye to Gorba the dog.
He will be sad for the time to come.
During three weeks he had fresh water and delicious dog food every day.
And each day he was untied from his chain and taken on a 90 minutes walk.
As an extra service to Gorba, to make it more interesting for him, each day in another direction.
And yesterday, on the beach far away from the goats, he was set free!
Taken off the leash and for the first time in many days he could jump and run, as he liked.
But when half way and turning back to return to the rancho, he took off.
Ran away but into the direction of the rancho.
Fears were felt because near the rancho are the goats which he bites to death and the issue of who would be responsible then for the massacre came to mind.
However, returned to the Fuso Santek, Gorba was found comfortably relaxing in the shadow underneath the expedition vehicle.
Good dog, good dog, and he was petted.
But as of tomorrow Gorba’s life will change.
His real owner, Alfredo, is now gone for three days already.
Next time this happens it means for Gorba no food and no water until Alfredo eventually shows up again.
And no more interesting daily walks.
Gorba will cry as well.
Leaving Punta Boca del Salado is also a departure of a way of living.
Far away from town and its many distractions.
Being here in nature.
No disturbing city noises.
Clean air.
No pollution.
Billions of stars in the sky at night.
And healthy living.
A lot of fruit and no alcohol.
Daily exercises: yoga, pilates, walking and running.
A perfect situation at Punta Boca del Salado to have a lot of work done as well.
Being a photographer doesn’t mean the activities are only making pictures.
There is administration to do.
Archiving of the many images.
Planning and organizing new opportunities.
Developing new projects.
Attending to the many requests received.
Tomorrow the diesel engine of the Fuso Santek will come to life.
Heating up before any movement is made.
Next, the four-wheel drive system should take the Fuso Santek out of the loose sand of the dry riverbed.
An interesting test again to experience if this will go smoothly.
It is a 4-hour drive to the town of La Paz.
Crossing mountains with steep roads.
To arrive in the hustle and bustle of the city where the stars are not in the sky.
Have a great trip to La Paz! The exhaust break and the gears are your Best Friends. I hope to see more posted images of your Fuso while traveling, Thanks, Robert
P.S. Don't forget San Diego Trailer supply is only a mile from my house, if you need anything shipped.
So if this is the first trip up the hill in 3 weeks. Were or how did the water make it to the camper. And how and were did the brown water escape to ????? since you did not have the blue hose.
You write so beautifully...
You're a poet.
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