Friday, May 25, 2007

A suitcase 50 minutes away.

British Airways has been asked by American Airways to transport the lost suitcase to Amsterdam and deliver it to the home where staying.
But nothing is being delivered.

Calling the phone number for lost luggage of British Airways in Amsterdam.
The phone is not answered.
During several hours.

Best to go to the airport and ask there.
Ending in a small office where they find out that for 3 days already the suitcase is in London.

Why is the suitcase staying in London and not being send to Amsterdam?
“We don’t know”.

When will the suitcase be send to Amsterdam?
“We don’t know”.

Can you ask British Airways in London to send the suitcase?
“No, we can’t”.

How long do you think it will take before the suitcase arrives here?
“Maybe 3 days or more”.

The suitcase is 50 minutes flying from here.
“Yes, but tomorrow is Saturday and Monday is a public Holiday”.

It is advised to go to a website where the lost suitcase can be tracked.
But when visiting that website and putting in the file reference code, the reply is:
"The system cannot locate a valid file for your entry. Please check your entry and try again, or contact your airline for more information."

Some things are difficult to understand.

Fervent and loyal blog readers can track the lost suitcase themselves!
Go to:
and click on Baggage Tracer Service.
Use file Reference: AMSBA32409 and name: SZULCKRZYZANOWS


Anonymous said...

How FRUSTRATING! is that!!!
Good luck!
Glad you got more socks.

Anonymous said...

I found your information at this
address using your numbers, so
I guess you have it by now.

I really enjoy your blog. I am a school teacher from Texas.

Anonymous said...

Italy is the worldwide kingdom of malfunction, people didn't believe me thinking i was naive of the surrounding world, until the day they tried themselves (and paid hard for it) but I guess the world (except Japan) is following the same wrong path. The italian customer care of Alitalia in partnership with KLM, after that same message you had online, they invited me to call a 199 number which was used for porn calls. Service changed but same phone fare remains!