The procedure was to have first a whole set of images and next, to find a publisher.
Once a publisher was found who had faith in the project, additional sponsoring had to be found.
A dragging and long-time procedure of approaching sponsors or applying for subsidies.
Once it would be clear that a strong financial floor was in the project, the designer of the book would get involved.
With own ideas and plans not always in harmony with the photographer.
Another step to make was to try to get an exhibition in a reputed place to have the opening coincide with the publication of the book.
For this, exhibition curators had to be seen and shown the work.
To have to deal with their personal preferences and tastes, their financial trouble and schedule problems.
Once the publication of the photo book and the exhibition was secured, the next step was to get the press involved.
To have journalists come to the exhibition or to send them a copy of the book, massaging them into writing a story in the newspaper or a magazine.
To get the publicity to get visitors to the exhibition and to have people buy the book.
All in all, was it a nice experience to publish a book?
Absolutely not.
Each time it was trouble, problems, frustration, disappointment, conflicts and irritation.
There was never much beauty in it at all.
This is why there was a complete new approach to publish “The PS-series”.
Life is not meant to repeat what is not beautiful.
What is not giving beauty and joy.
Hence, this time publishers, sponsors, financiers, foundation managers, designers, and journalists: they were all left aside.
They were not invited to get involved in the making, production, distribution and promotion of the book in any way.

“The PS-series” is therefore a happy book.
The images were made with tremendous joy and excitement.
With great pleasure.
With sincere happiness.
And with beautiful bliss.
It has been a unique and unbelievable great and interesting challenge to select the images, to design the book and to write the texts without any unpleasant confrontation or disturbance.
It was fascinating and educative, resulting in feeling sincerely proud and deeply satisfied with the result.
Feelings never experienced before with the books from the past.
This has all been possible because of making use of the modern techniques.
These days it is possible to produce and distribute a photo book as a one-man band.
No complicated procedures, as there were in the past, are necessary anymore.
Now the photo book “the PS-series” is out.
There is no exhibition and no PR-fuss.
No hoopla.
It is there and who wants it can purchase a copy.
To share not only this photo book but also the beauty of the way it has come into existence.
It might be not a bad idea to become a proud owner of “the PS-series” photo-book.
In the past, two photo-books of the conceptual work have been published.
“Sequences” and “The first twenty years”.
Both photo books are sold out and not available anymore.
They have become collector’s items.
Sometimes they are offered at book auctions and they sell for very high prices.
Probably the best is to order now two copies of “the PS-series” photo-book.
One to keep and the other to eventually sell.
In this smart way one has “the PS-series” photo-book for free.
To order your copies of the photo book "The PS-series", click on:
1 comment:
How to get "The PS-series" photo book for free !!!
I did get a look at a few pages for free. But the book looks like $90.00
please explain what I am doing wrong.
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