To dampen the swinging motion, allowed by the pivot, two shock absorbers are connected next to it from the camper box to the chassis of the truck.

In the bathroom the dome has been installed above the shower. The vent with a fan will be installed later in the other opening.

The cabinets above the office desk are being installed. Notice the large European roof vent. The small horizontal opening in the cabinet is the space where the short wave roadio will be installed.

The cabinets above the dinette.

The counter in the bathroom. The top will be made of stainless steel.

The kitchen counter waiting to be installed.

The kitchen counter being installed.

The top of the kitchen counter will be of stainless steel. Left of the kitchen counter the cabinet where computer equipment, like hard drives and the printer will be housed.
The corridor between the kitchen and the bathroom towards the bedroom.

The carpet is being put in. Glued to the floor.

Where the mattress is going to come, the same carpet is glued.

The cabinets for the bedroom waiting to be installed.

Cabinets of the bedroom installed.

Things seem to be progressing quickly now. Looks great! I keep looking for the refrigerator, wondering where you will fit it in. I am assuming that the tall cabinet by the kitchen will be a wardrobe/pantry. Or is the refer going there? Also, wondering if you will have an oven of some sort. And, will you be doing solar panels for power? Can't wait to see more.
Can you explain a bit more on the purpose of the 'pivot' mechanism under the camper? I am not sure I understand it. Thanks.
The pivot is also called a "torque-free mount." The Fuso FG has a very flexible chassis. This helps the wheels remain in contact with uneven terrain when traveling on unimproved roads. However, twisting the chassis also twists the camper. If the camper were simply bolted to the truck frame, the twisting motion would crack the camper shell, and break the cabinets attached to the inside of the shell. The pivot helps prevent this.
I want one, wow, that sure is looking like a great home on wheels that can go anywhere.
Are you going to sell your other one when this one is done?
Thanks for the tour of the Santek facility. The High point of my vacation was seeing the Fuso in person. I hope you continue to post the great images of your fuso build. I hope to have Santek build me a simular motorhome in coming years.
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