After it has been cut, a second piece of wood is made into the same shape and are glued and nailed together.

The final result.

Under the seat of the dinette the furnace is located. In a compartment made sound proof. The furnace itself is mounted on rubber blocks. All this to eliminate as much as possible the noise a furnace makes due to it having a ventilator.

The side panels of the walls are mounted now that plumbing and wiring is ready.

In the cabinets the corners are mounted. There are corners against the ceiling because the steel cage construction has supporters. Excellent space for wiring also.

The head side of the Queen bed gets a specially designed piece of furniture. Not only for storage but also as a support when one wishes to read in bed. To the corner of the ceiling the two Kicker KM60 Marine Speakers are mounted.

Gail Harris, one of the most vital persons at Santek Trailers, has picked up with the fancy Santek Trailer truck the dome which will be mounted to the front of the trailer box. It will save 5 % on fuel costs.

The back lights are being installed.

Also the vent for the furnace gets in place.

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