The poodle’s name was “Peewee”.

If the dog is being transported in public by his mistress in his own custom build carriage, we may wonder what an extravagant situation we may find in their home.
Probably “Peewee” has his own bed.
Or he might sleep with his mistress really close to her voluptuous body.
And it is a known fact that certain ladies keep poodles to have them do a specific action resulting in orgiastic pleasure.
That is why always a safe dance has to be kept to poodles of older ladies.
Imagine he wants to lick your hand.
Dogs and cats are often a compensation and replacement for missing a partner.
This is understandable.
If it didn’t work out with John, David and Peter why not have a poodle?
That perfectly makes sense.
However, we must realize that this is a temporary thing.
In the days we did not have cars we used horses to pull the carriages.
Once the cars became the mode of transportation, we dumped the horses.
The same will happen with cats and dogs.
Robots will replace them.
Sony and Sega have been building pet robots.
Called Mio and Aibo more or less pretending to be dogs.
They are sold and kept as if they were natural pets by people like it is the most normal thing in the world.

This is one more step into the separation between animals and humans.
There used to be a bond and harmony but now we have become inhabitants of this planet completely estranged from each other.
In the Netherlands therefore they have created what they call “Children farms”.
They have come to realize that it is not good for children to have never even have touched animals.
So, in cities they create in parks a mock up farm with chicken, sheep, goats, ponies and other peaceful animals.
Children during school time go there to see the animals and caress them.
The famous English author Doris Lessing wrote a book called:
"The Making of the Representative for Planet 8. Canopus in Argos: Archives."
In this vital and visionary book she describes how more and more life becomes impossible on a planet due to meteorological circumstances.
And the only way to survive is to leave the planet.
But this has to be done in a metaphysical way: by transcending physical matter.
We could say we are in the same kind of process.
The climatic conditions on this planet are becoming more and more extreme and if this continues, life, as we know, will simply not be possible anymore.
The logical step that will follow is that we need to get out of here.
And leave the poodles behind.
For more information on "The smartest robot pet yet", click on:
To learn more about pet robots, the Artificial Emotional Creature Project, click on:
For more information about Sega’s pet dog called MIO, click on:
For more information about Sony’s discontinued Aibo pet dog, click on:
For more information about this most important book of Doris Lessing, called
"The Making of the Representative for Planet 8. Canopus in Argos: Archives."
click on:
1 comment:
A few decades ago, a young man named Everett Ruess, who had showed a certain artistic promise, disappeared without a trace somewhere in the Escalante Wilderness of Utah. Because of his youth and promise, and his mysterious disappearance, Everett Ruess became a sort of semi-mythic figure.
The Escalante is gorgeous country, and my wife and I used to go camping around its fringes whenever we could. On one of those trips, on seeing other campers accompanied by very elegantly coiffed toy poodles, we evolved the following fantasy:
Everett is still alive. He hides in the Escalante and lives off the land. Every now and then, to supplement his protein intake, he descends on a campground in the dead of night and makes off with one of these poodles.
At least, I think we invented that fantasy. It is conceivable we read it somewhere instead (in which case the most likely culprit is the writer Edward Abbey).
Whatever the source of the fantasy--ever after, whenever we spotted one of these dogs in that region, we would chorus "Another poodle for Everett!"
We are actually very fond of dogs. I have known a couple of poodles personally, and they were just as intelligent and friendly as most other dogs. (Those particular poodles were spared the silly haircut by their humane owner, however.)
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