Even in the developing countries many people cannot live without a cellular phone.
So, one may ask: how is life without a mobile phone?
And the experienced and professional answer from this side is simple and short: GREAT.
To be without a mobile phone means that nobody can disturb whenever one pleases.
No impromptu interventions of daily life.
No sudden ringing or vibrating in pocket or purse.
No dramatic confrontations at unexpected moments.
Not being a slave to the idea, which have arisen among people that one, must be reachable.
Being totally convinced of these opinions and even living them for years, yesterday a mobile phone was purchased.
Concerned loyal and fervent blogreaders may wonder about this inconsistent and erratic approach to life suddenly occurring.
To condemn having a mobile phone, ban them as an unwanted intrusion in daily life and as a next inconsequential step buying one of these electronic devices.
The background of this foolishness is that on the recent European tour, effective operating without a mobile phone was hampered seriously.
Several appointments didn’t work out because of not having a mobile phone.
These days’ communities of people like in Paris and in California are totally tuned to a social infrastructure operating only with the vital help of mobile phones.
To enter these communities without a mobile phone means not being able to function.
It has become like not believing in airplanes and refusing to fly while wishing to travel worldwide anyway.
It immobilizes.
It sidelines.
It isolates.
The most important task of an artist photographer is to produce new work.
But this has only sense when also time and effort is spend marketing the results.
Working as an artist photographer a mobile phone is a monstrous anomaly.
But as a marketer it is an unavoidable tool.
To buy a mobile phone is not an easy task.
The cellular world is quite a jungle.
Especially difficult is that the mobile phone will be used internationally.
Extensive research has learned that the best solution is to have a quad band phone.
This phone will work on all bandwidths worldwide.
Second part of the solution is to have an unlocked phone.
This is a phone not locked to a specific carrier.
This offers the possibility to buy SIM-cards in each country where work leads.
To simply place the SIM-card in the phone and calls are made for local tariffs.
There is a wide range of quad phone unlocked phones available.
Ranging in price from 100 to over 1.500 $. (73 to 1.100 Euros)
Eventually the decision was made to go for the simplest mobile phone.
A LG TG 300.

The sales talk goes like this:
The LG TG300 is a quad band (GSM 850 900 1800 1900) cell phone that supports Push To Talk (PTT). Take your cell phone with you around the globe and talk to your relatives with a single push of a button. You can have up to 99 PTT entries and 30 groups. Quad band and PTT enable you to communicate no matter where you may be.
You can read and write multimedia messages with MMS support. With the WAP 2.0 browser, the LG TG300 cell phone connects you to the Internet.
Browse your favourite sites and respond to multimedia messages. Share your images, audio and video with your friends and family. Custom graphics and media can be downloaded and set for unique wallpapers, games and ring tones.
Ringer profiles with up to seven call groups with a maximum of twenty members in each group can be stored for quick identification. Download ring tones from your carrier and customize.
Unfortunately LG mobile phones do not synchronize with Apple computers and that is not included in the sales talk.
Next step is to obtain a SIM-card in the USA where the next month will be spend working.
Not a simple thing to do to find a SIM-card.
Phone companies want customers to walk in their shops and buy an expensive phone together with a service plan.
Someone simply wanting a SIM-card only is not very interesting business.
There may be fervent and loyal blog readers who happen to know how this works walking into a AT&T or T-Mobile phone shop and wishing a SIM-card only.
If it was me, I would walk into a Wal Mart or other discount store and get a TrakFone. Introductory minutes and phone are quite cheap.
Personally I would go with AT&T, and their 8525 phone (search smartphones at www.mobiletechreview.com)
This phone also has third-party support for Mac syncing.
I think you will find that by the time you buy SIM cards for each country you wish to talk in, AT&T's global coverage plan will look more efficient (cost and management-wise).
(www.wireless.att.com international plans)
Remember that the phone supports wireless (WiFi, bluetooth, and InfraRed) so communicating with your notebook and a wireless headset is possible. Personally, I could see you publishing your blog with a smartphone and professionally, it is a viable choice for communication redundancy. FYI - I am in no way financially associated with Cingular, AT&T (except that they are my cellular provider), or anything else mentioned here.
As for the interruptions, I let my phone ring through more often than not. When people ask why I do not pick up, I inform that my phone ringing means only that the person calling wants to talk. Who first decided that answering a ringing phone was mandatory? Anyway, I give them the choice to leave a message if they wish. With that mentality, I have never been a slave to a phone.
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